For the hydrofoil and ferry timetables, consult the links to the websites of the various companies mentioned above.
From June to September, given the exceptional turnout on the island, we recommend you book online!
ATTENTION: Timetables are periodically updated by the shipping companies. We suggest you check the times a few days before departure!
As an alternative to the sites of the individual companies, you can check the schedules of most of the companies operating within the Gulf of Naples and buy tickets for them on the Traghetti Lines site.
Ischia Porto (Alilauro, Caremar, Alicost, Snav hydrofoils and Medmar, Caremar, Gestour ferries).
Distance from the park approximately 15 km.
Casamicciola Terme (Snav hydrofoils and Medmar, Caremar ferries).
Distance from the park approximately 9 km.
Forio (Alilauro hydrofoils).
Distance from the park approximately 1,5 km.
Bus stops for bus line no. 2 can easily be found at all the ports.
A convenient taxi service can also be found at the exit of each port.
By bus
Line no. 2 departs from Ischia Porto and, passing Casamicciola Terme, Lacco Ameno and Forio, reaches the Bay of Citara: the final stop of the journey (Citara-Giardini Poseidon) is approximately 100 metres from the park entrance.
The buses are operated by the company EAV BUS: for further information call (+39) 081 99 18 08.
By car/motorcycle/bike
Follow the signs for Forio. From here, follow the directions to the park.
A convenient and spacious car park will be available to you (not included in the ticket price).
By taxi
An active taxi service with cars, buses or typical three-wheeled Piaggio Ape microtaxis is available throughout the island.
Agree on the price before boarding: often, in addition to the metre, there are different fares for predetermined routes.